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9001418 - Strip Cup

Milking Machine – Milking Systems - Milking Equipment - 9001418 - Strip Cup - Cleaning Solutions - Hygiene & Accessories

Pre-milking is the first step in the detection of mastitis.
The Strip-Cup was designed to collect the first drops, avoiding the risk of direct contact with potentially infected milk.
The exclusive anti-splash mesh prevents accidental contamination and makes it possible to detect lumps when the cow is being prepared for milking.
The Strip-Cup is made in a sturdy, chemical proof plastic; connecting and disconnecting the mesh is quick and simple, safeguardingì standards of hygiene and ease of cleaning.

InterPuls S.p.A. | via F.Maritano, 11 | 42020 - Albinea RE - Italy | Tel. +39 0522 347511 | Fax +39 0522 348516 |
Registro Imprese di RE n. 01259470357 - Cap. Soc. € 980.400,00 i.v. - P.IVA 01259470357