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4308002 - TCS Plast.Cap 44,5X2,5X155 D17 D.17

Milking Machine – Milking Systems - Milking Equipment - 4308002 - TCS Plast.Cap 44,5X2,5X155 D17 D.17 - Shells & Weights - Other shells

Technical specifications

Length 155,0 mm
External diameter 44mm
Diam. of the tube (OD x ID) 44,5 x 39,5 mm
Small hole (ID) 17,0 mm
Large hole (OD x ID) 44,5 x 39,5 mm
Air nipple (OD x ID) 10,0 x 8,0 mm
Range of length from 151mm to 165mm
Thickness 2,5 mm (HEAVY)
Plastic cup yes
Weight 365 gr

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Registro Imprese di RE n. 01259470357 - Cap. Soc. € 980.400,00 i.v. - P.IVA 01259470357
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